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General Meetings

General meetings are open to all members, take place on a monthly basis at 10 a.m. on the third Monday of the month, and are held at the Rama Community Centre on Rama Road in Rama First Nation.

Ample parking is available. While there is no requirement for members to attend, these meetings offer an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Some meeting dates conflict with holidays, so the meetings in those months will generally be held on the fourth Monday of the month.

2024 Meeting Dates are as follows:

January 15

February 26

March 18

April 15

May 27

June 17

July 15

August 19

September 16

October 21

November 18

December 16 (amended)

Each meeting follows the same general format:

  • Playing of 'O, Canada'
  • Land Recognition
  • Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • One-minute News. This is an opportunity for any members to make announcements about social events or other points of interest to members.
  • Treasurer's Report.
  • Membership Report.
  • Activities Coordinator Report
  • Meeting Coordinator Report.
  • Caring Coordinator Report.
  • President's Announcements.
  • Social Break. A half-hour opportunity for members to socialize. Tea, coffee and cookies are served. 
  • Announcement of the winners of the "Share the Wealth" draw. Fifty percent of the proceeds of the draw are shared between lucky holders of the drawn tickets. The remainder is retained by the club.
  • Guest Speaker. A speaker is invited to each meeting to give a talk on a topic that is likely to be of interest to members.
  • Conclusion of Meeting.

The agenda will be amended as necessary at the president's discretion. All the reports are brief, and take up only a couple of minutes.

Members should always remember to bring their name tags to meetings. 

Lake Country Probus Club supports a "SCENT FREE" environment at all events. 

Upcoming Meetings

  • No upcoming events

Management Meetings

Management meetings are generally held two weeks before the general meeting, but this may be changed at the discretion of the president.

Other Meetings

Meetings for the purposes of organizing activities will be scheduled as needed by the activity coordinator.

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